Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's Small Business Week!

Small businesses are the engine of our economy, creating jobs and providing the goods and services that keep Massachusetts strong. Every day, small businesses across the state face unique challenges navigating local, state, and national regulations, attracting new customers, and trying to stay afloat in a recovering economy. This week is Massachusetts Small Business Week and I am proud to recognize and celebrate our state’s nearly 585,000 entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

Throughout the week, my colleagues and I will participate in a number of events, including an oversight hearing on the Administration’s progress in implementing Small Business Impact Statement Legislation and other public policy issues affecting small businesses.  New businesses, and even established small businesses, often need help and specialized technical assistance. That’s why the highlight of the week’s events will be the Small Business Resource Fair on May 23, 2012 from 9:00am to 11:00am in the Great Hall at the State House, which is free and open to the public.  At the event, resource providers will be on hand to share information on the many programs available across the state to assist small businesses with everything from designing a business plan to procuring state funding.  I also encourage small business owners and those considering starting a business to visit the Small Business page on my blog to find a list of the Top 10 Resources for Small Businesses in Massachusetts.

We rely on the hundreds of thousands of small businesses across Massachusetts. Beyond creating our Commonwealth’s economic foundation, they provide the services and goods we use every day. They are where we get our hair cut, where we work out, where we ask what kind of nail we need to hang a shelf, they are our local bank, our coffee shop, our dry cleaner, and so much more. I encourage everyone to take this time to visit a small business in town and thank them for all of their hard work.

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